- Cell Phones and Mobile Plans
IDM is a cell phone company in Lebanon with mobile services and internet plans for people and business.
IDM is a cell phone company in Lebanon.


Company : IDM
Website :  IDM

Phone : 1282 / (+961) 1 - 59 52 52
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IDM: Connecting Lebanon with Reliable and Affordable Telecommunications


IDM is a leading telecommunications company in Lebanon, with a track record of over 20 years in the market. The company offers a wide range of mobile, fixed, internet, and entertainment services, connecting people, businesses, and communities to drive a brighter digital future.


IDM offers a variety of plans and services to meet the needs of all its customers:

  • Mobile: IDM has a reliable 4G network, offering prepaid and postpaid plans with unlimited minutes, messages, and data.
  • Fixed: With fiber optic packages, IDM offers stable and high-speed connections, perfect for remote working, streaming content, and family entertainment.
  • Internet: IDM offers fiber optic, DSL, and 4G LTE plans for different budgets and needs.
  • Entertainment: Enjoy a wide selection of live TV channels, streaming services, and mobile bundles with access to platforms such as Starz Play and Netflix.


IDM is committed to providing reliable and affordable telecommunications services to all Lebanese residents. The company is investing in new technologies and solutions to improve the customer experience, such as:

  • 5G network: IDM is deploying a 5G network to provide even faster speeds and more reliable connections.
  • Cloud computing: IDM is offering cloud computing services to businesses and individuals, making it easier to store and access data.
  • IoT solutions: IDM is developing IoT solutions to connect smart devices and improve efficiency.


IDM is committed to the digital development of Lebanon. The company is working to expand its network coverage, improve its services, and reduce prices.


IDM is a major player in the Lebanese telecommunications market, standing out for:

  • Reliability: IDM's network is known for its reliability and uptime.
  • Affordability: IDM offers competitive prices for its services.
  • Innovation: IDM is committed to investing in new technologies and solutions.

Comparison with Lebanon Connect

IDM and Lebanon Connect are both leading telecommunications companies in Lebanon. However, there are some key similarities and differences between the two companies:

  • Similarities: Both companies offer a wide range of mobile, fixed, internet, and entertainment services. Both companies are committed to innovation and the digital development of Lebanon.
  • Differences: IDM is a smaller company than Lebanon Connect. IDM has over 20 years of experience in the Lebanese telecommunications market, while Lebanon Connect has over 30 years. IDM focuses on providing reliable and affordable services, while Lebanon Connect focuses on offering a wide range of services at a competitive price.

It is likely that both companies will continue to be major competitors in the Lebanese telecommunications market in the future.

Changes made to comply with Google standards

The changes made to the original text to create this article include:

  • Title: The title was changed to be more concise and informative.
  • Introduction: The introduction was rewritten to provide a clear overview of the topic and to engage the reader.
  • Services: The services section was reorganized to make it easier to read and understand.
  • Innovation: The innovation section was expanded to include more details about IDM's commitment to innovation.
  • Future: The future section was rewritten to focus on IDM's specific goals and strategies.

Plans :
4M/80GB Plan: Speed: 4 Mbps. Download/Upload: 80 GB. Monthly Rate: 75,000 LBP.
OS/170GB Plan: Speed: Open Speed (no specified limit). Download/Upload: 170 GB. Monthly Rate: 170,000 LBP.
Phones in Lebanon: Alfa, touch, Ogero Telecom, Connect, IDM, OGERO
The customer can compare cell phone companies and the different options of plans and packages. List of the best mobile phone companies and smartphones in Lebanon. Analysis of the market of mobile carriers, telecommunications and the use of technology in the future of the country.
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